1993    10.17 The Catholic Priests' Association for Justice(CPAJ) in Korea set up an Archive for Pastoral Studies at Jangwi Catholic church
1994     06
moved the Archive to the present location of the Institute at 1-94  Dongsung-dong
adopted a resolution to establish a Pastoral Institue on the occasion of the CPAJ's 20th anniversary
1995  09
formed the Founding Committe for the establishment of the Gaudium et Spes Pastoral Institute
The Gaudium et Spes Pastoral Institute(GSPI) was approved as a corporate body by the Ministry of Culture
1996    01.31 held the Inaugural Meeting of the GSPI
               02 oragnized the Supporter's Club for the financial support of the Institute
03.07 opened the supporters' automatic transfer account
              06.17 held a Mass celebrainting the establishment of the Institute
published the 'Torch in the Darkness', Vol.1 - a collection of testimonies on the democratization movement
during the 1970's and 1980's
               11.11 published the 'Torch in the Darkness', Vol.2
began to issue the 'Gaudium et Spes', a monthly newsletter for the Supporters' Club
1997   03.31 published the 'Torch in the Darkness', Vol.3
               06.17 held the annual Members' Day Meeting at Sudong Valley, Maseok
              10.30 published the 'Torch in the Darkness', Vol.4
1998    04.30 published the 'Torch in the Darkness', Vol.5
06.17 held the annual Members' Day Meeting at Baeti Sanctuary
held the first Symposium - on the 'Salvation and the experience of National Liberation'
              11.25 published the 'Torch in the Darkness', Vol.6
1999  06.27 held the annual Members'day Meeting at Hanmaeum Training Center, Euijeongbu
held the second Symposium - on the 'Stream of Justice in the National History'
began to issue the 'Kerygma et Diakonia' - a priests' guide to preaching, No.1~No.7, series for the year 2000
2000   03.20
held the Special Lent Lectures - 'St. Joseph and the Lessons of Lent'
06.17 held the annual Members' Day Meeting at Pungsuwon Sanctuary
               09.25 held the third Symposium - on 'the Nation and Ritual Life'
began to issue the 'Kerygma et Diakonia', No.8~No.14, series for the year 2000
               12.10 published the 'Torch in the Darkness', Vol.7
2001    06.17 held the annual Members' Day Meeting at Sanjeong Lake
held the fourth Symposium - on 'The Experience of Womens' Liberation in the National History'
began to issue the 'Kerygma et Diakonia', No.15~No.21, series for the year 2002
2002    02.22 - 3.22) held the Special Lent Lectures - 'The Death of Jesus and Our Realities'
03 Launched a Catholic Music Program on the Digital Skynet
06,17 held the annual Members' Day Meeting at Shin Sung Gyeom's Graveside
held the fifth Symposium - on 'the Role of the Church in the Unification of the Nation'
began to issue the 'Kerygma et Diakonia', No.22~No.28, series for the year 2003
2003   03.15
 - 4.12) held the Special Lent Lectures - 'I Will Change the Mind and Attitude of and people'
              09.30 held the sixth Symposium - on 'the Nation and its Environment'
began to issue the 'Kerygma et Diakonia', No.29~No.35, series for the year 2004
2004    03.05
 - 4.2 ) held the Special Lent Lectures - 'the World Asks for the Repentance of the Church'
began to issue the 'Pastoral Companion' - a monthly on pastoral information for priests
              10.11 held the commemorative events for the 30th anniversary of the CPAJ
began to issue the 'Kerygma et Diakonia', No.36~No.42, series for the year 2005
2005    02.13
 - 3.13) held the Special Lent Lectures - 'The Signs of the Times in the Stream of contemporary History
03.31 held the annual Members' Day Meeting at Youth Training Village, Incheon
held the academic events in commemoration of the 96th anniversay of Thomas Ahn-Jung Geun's Heroism
began to issue the 'Kerygma et Diakonia', No.43~No.49, series for the year 2005